
The X-TRACTION® PFAS Device for Better Extraction Performance

with Long-chain PFAS or Neutral Sulphonamides


PFAS analysis requires special conditions, including sample preparation, such as the absence of PFAS blank values in all materials and equipment used. The spectrum of analytes in the PFAS field is constantly expanding, and the focus is increasingly on long-chain PFAS. The X-TRACTION® PFAS, in which all materials within the fluidic path have been replaced by PTFE-free components, is ideally suited for this purpose!

Extraction with the X-TRACTION® PFAS s carried out according to the Pressurised Fluid Extraction (PFE) principle. With this principle, in-house tests have shown that long-chain PFAS or neutral sulphonamides can be recovered better than with conventional extraction methods, such as shaking out. On the LCTech website you can see a comparison diagram of both extraction methods of doped soil matrix.




Equipment of the fluidics area:

  • Easily accessible fluidic compartment to all fluidic parts
  • Pressurised fluidic connections from SST capillaries
  • Outlet capillary with large inner diameter
  • Syringe pump (0.1 - 80 ml/min.) for solvent supply


You can find further explanations about the device on the LCTech homepage. Click through the "hotspots" of the X-TRACTION® and learn about the advantages in detail. In addition to videos, you will also find all publications, such as application notes or scientific posters.


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