3D rendering of blue DNA helix

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On-demand presentations are now available

Simple line drawing of a DNA Helix with a chromosome




Harmonized LC-MS Workflows for Routine Attribute Monitoring of RNA for Consistent Product Quality

Nick Pittman, Waters

Waters provides harmonized LC-MS workflows for routine monitoring of RNA. Learn how to accurately monitor RNA critical quality attributes impacting product safety and efficacy, while maintaining lab throughput and capacity.

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Simple line drawing of a Waters Stystem




[ASMS Presentation] Oligonucleotide Sequence Confirmation for Quality Control

Micheal Ruhl, BioSpring

Mass spec is a reliable tool for oligonucleotide quality control. We show techniques on the BioAccord LC-MS System and benchtop QTof LC-MS to confirm the sequence of RNA and DNA oligo therapeutics covering adjuvant, siRNA, ASO, sgRNA and aptamers.

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Simple line drawing of a laptop with data on screen




[TIDES US Presentation] LC-MS Methods for Characterization of Long Oligonucleotides

Dr. Martin Gilar, Waters

Resolution performance of LC techniques is challenged by development of long therapeutic oligonucleotides such as sgRNA. We'll discuss the application of a modern method LC for separation and MS characterization of long oligonucleotides.

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Simple line drawing of a magnifying glass looking at particles




[TIDES US Workshop] Oligonucleotide Analytics Overview with a Focus on Guide RNAs for CRISPR Applications

Dr. Martin Gilar, Waters

Dr. Martin Gilar discusses methods for oligonucleotide analysis, tips and tricks from 25 years of experience and guidelines for oligo LC purification, as well as mass spec methods for characterization of long oligos.

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 Εξουσιοδοτημένοι Αντιπρόσωποι Waters Corp. στην Ελλάδα:



Δελφών 13, 15233 Χαλάνδρι, Αθήνα

Τηλ.: 210-6895260  info@hellamco.gr


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