Join our environmental webinar:

LC-MS/MS Multi-residue Method for Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPPCPs)

March 30th 

11:00 AM CEST

Join us and learn how a multi-residue LC-MS/MS method was developed for environmental testing labs with the aim to:

§  quantify more than 140 pesticides, pharmaceuticals and personal care products in one run and

§  reach LOQs of 10 ng/l for all compounds with direct injection of aqueous samples.

In this webinar Hannah Willmer will present:

  • What method conditions and instrumentation are needed?
  • Which are the most challenging compounds?
  • How does the new waters_connect for Quan software support method development?


Hannah Willmer
Senior Applications Chemist
Waters Corporation


Claudia Rathmann
Food & Environmental Market Development Manager
Waters Corporation


This webinar is part of the Blue Thursdays webinar series by Waters that focuses on environmental analysis. Save your seats also for next episodes:

  • May 25: PFAS Analysis - What's possible with unique technologies?
  • September 7: POPs Analysis with Atmospheric Pressure GC (APGC)
  • October 26: Pesticide Analysis with Atmospheric Pressure GC (APGC)



Not sure you can attend the live sessions? Register today and watch the episodes on-demand.

You get more information on environmental solutions from Waters by downloading our Drinking Water Analysis Resource Kit or by watching the episodes of last year's Blue Thursday webinar series on demand.

We are looking forward seeing you there.



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